Friday 17 February 2012

First and Foremost

Fashion. A popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration or behaviour according to the oxford dictionary. Fashion is the love of my life, although currently I am trying to keep our relationship strong on a fast food under 16's wage... not. easy. And to make matters worse we're doing long distance. See, I live in a small town in southern Queensland, Australia, and options are as follows: 1. pay a minimum of $50 at the single local boutique each time I need a new t-shirt, 2. travel an hour to the next town to get my hands on some Suprè cheapies (which I refuse to do, since it is 3 sizes too small for any normal teenager who actually eats food. And anyway, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, in my town seems to be obsessed with it), 3. Shop online and buy the wrong size, as I always do, or 4. make do of the suckish op-shops around town.

But in my holidays I do manage to purchase a fair few goodies at reasonable prices and that is what this blog is all about: to bring the secrets of "teenage style on a budget" to your computer.

As for the name Wear a Sarah... Well, to be honest, I googled "What rhymes with Sarah?" and yahoo answers did not disappoint. But it works, right? The new definition of a Sarah is now an item of fashion that Sarah can afford and is super duper pretty and/or cool.

Mesh Look Ring, Supre, $8

Tiger* Printed Fitted Skirt, Supre, $15
Sleeveless Denim Shirt, Supre, $30

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